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Modified readthedown RMarkdown template for stylish analytical documents

2 minute read

This is a modified readthedown rmarkdown template, which is greatly inspired and modified based on juba/rmdformats package. readthedown offer a similar sphnix style, which is commmonly used in various python package documentations. I personally very much like the readthedown style and hence dive a little bit on the source code to figure out ways to make it easier for further customization.

Deploy deep learning models in browser using Tensorflow.js

5 minute read

A brief guide on how to deploy deep learning model in browser using tensorflow.js.In this post, a mobileNet model was trained to predict BMI, Age and Gender. The model takes input (either from webcam or uploaded files) to make prediction from browser. This deployment has a obvious advantage of reduced uploading traffic compared to RESTful API approach.

Build an API App backed by FastAPI and Vue.js

10 minute read

Presenting an API is never going to be attractive. In this post, I documented my approach of developing a web page on top of existing API using FastAPI + Vue.js technology stack.