Implement DeepFM model in Keras

8 minute read


Wide and deep architect has been proven as one of deep learning applications combining memorization and generatlization in areas such as search and recommendation. Google released its wide&deep learning in 2016.

  • wide part: helps to memorize the past behaviour for specific choice
  • deep part: embed into low dimension, help to discover new user, product combinations

Later, on top of wide & deep learning, deepfm was developed combining DNN model and Factorization machines, to furthur address the interactions among the features.

wide & deep model

wide&deep learning

deepFM model

deepfm learning


wide&deep learning is logistic regression + deep neural network. In wide part of wide & deep learning, it is a logistic regression, which requires a lot of manual feature engineering efforts to generate the large-scale feature set for wide part.
While the deepfm model instead is factorization machines + deep neural network, as known as neural factorization machines. DeepFM has

  • 1st order embeded layers to have overall characterization of indiviual features. \begin{equation} y = \sum{w_ix_i} \end{equation}
  • 2nd order shared embeded layers for both deep and fm parts, from which dot product between pairs of embeded features address the 2nd order feature interactions. \begin{equation} y = \sum{w_{i,j}x_ix_j} \end{equation} If the only the factorization machines part is kept, it will reduce to neural collabrative filtering.

DeepFM model in details

1st order factorization machines (summation of all 1st order embed layers)

  • numeric features with shape (None, 1) => dense layer => map to shape (None, 1)
  • categorical features (single level) with shape (None,1) => embedding layer (latent_dim = 1) => map to shape (None, 1)
  • categorical features (multi level) with shape (None,L) => embedding layer (latent_dim = 1) => map to shape (None, L)
  • output will summation of all embeded features, result in a tensor with shape (None, 1)

    2nd order factorization machines (summation of dot product between 2nd order embed layers)

  • numeric features => dense layer => map to shape (None, 1, k)
  • categorical features (single level) => embedding layer (latent_dim = k) => map to shape (None, 1, k)
  • categorical features (multi level) with shape (None,L) => embedding layer (latent_dim = k) => map to shape (None, L, k)
  • shared embed layer will be the concatenated layers of all embeded features
  • shared embed layer => dot layer => 2nd order of fm part

    deep part (DNN model on shared embed layers)

  • shared embed layer => series of dense layers => deep part

preprocess data

The dataset used to implement deepfm is movieLens(ml-1m) data.
To add more features to the ratings.dat, I joined the user features and movies features. The features used are as below:

  • numeric feature: user_fea3
  • categorical feature (single level): uid, mid
  • categorical feature (multi level): movie_genre

movie genre is a mutli-value field delimited by '|'.
Multi-Hot encoding of this field is done by kera text Tokenizer.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as keras
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences

def load_ratings():
    COL_NAME = ['uid','mid','rating','timestamp']
    df = pd.read_csv('./dataset/ml-1m/ratings.dat',sep='::', header=None, engine='python', names=COL_NAME)
    return df

def load_movies():
    COL_NAME = ['mid','movie_name','movie_genre']
    df = pd.read_csv('./dataset/ml-1m/movies.dat',sep='::', header=None, engine='python', names=COL_NAME)
    return df

def load_users():
    COL_NAME = ['uid','user_fea1','user_fea2','user_fea3','user_fea4']
    df = pd.read_csv('./dataset/ml-1m/users.dat',sep='::', header=None, engine='python', names=COL_NAME)
    return df

def text2seq(text, n_genre):
    """ using tokenizer to encoded the multi-level categorical feature
    tokenizer = Tokenizer(lower=True, split='|',filters='', num_words=n_genre)
    seq = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(text)
    seq = pad_sequences(seq, maxlen=3,padding='post')
    return seq

n_genre = 15

ratings = load_ratings()
movies = load_movies()
users = load_users()

print("====== rating.dat ======")
print("===== movies.dat ======")
print("====== users.dat ======")

movies['movie_genre'] = text2seq(movies.movie_genre.values, n_genre=n_genre).tolist()

ratings = ratings.join(movies.set_index('mid'), on = 'mid', how = 'left')
ratings = ratings.join(users.set_index('uid'), on = 'uid', how = 'left')
print("====== preprocessed data =======")
====== rating.dat ======
   uid   mid  rating  timestamp
0    1  1193       5  978300760
1    1   661       3  978302109
2    1   914       3  978301968
3    1  3408       4  978300275
4    1  2355       5  978824291
===== movies.dat ======
   mid                          movie_name                   movie_genre
0    1                    Toy Story (1995)   Animation|Children's|Comedy
1    2                      Jumanji (1995)  Adventure|Children's|Fantasy
2    3             Grumpier Old Men (1995)                Comedy|Romance
3    4            Waiting to Exhale (1995)                  Comedy|Drama
4    5  Father of the Bride Part II (1995)                        Comedy
====== users.dat ======
   uid user_fea1  user_fea2  user_fea3 user_fea4
0    1         F          1         10     48067
1    2         M         56         16     70072
2    3         M         25         15     55117
3    4         M         45          7     02460
4    5         M         25         20     55455
====== preprocessed data =======
	uid	mid	rating	timestamp	movie_name	movie_genre	user_fea1	user_fea2	user_fea3	user_fea4
0	1	1193	5	978300760	One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)	[1, 0, 0]	F	1	10	48067
1	1	661	3	978302109	James and the Giant Peach (1996)	[9, 13, 0]	F	1	10	48067
2	1	914	3	978301968	My Fair Lady (1964)	[13, 5, 0]	F	1	10	48067
3	1	3408	4	978300275	Erin Brockovich (2000)	[1, 0, 0]	F	1	10	48067
4	1	2355	5	978824291	Bug's Life, A (1998)	[9, 2, 0]	F	1	10	48067

Construct model

There are 3 parts of the deepFM models:

  • 1st order factorization machines
  • 2nd order factorization machines
  • deep neural network

Let’s start with input layer definition.

define input layers

For dataset mixed with numeric and categerical features, they need to be treated differently.

  • numeric features can be concatenated to inputs, with shape (None, num_of_numeric)
  • categorical features can be encoded individually to inputs, with shape (None, 1) each.
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import *

def define_input_layers():
    # numerica features
    fea3_input = Input((1,), name = 'input_fea3')
    num_inputs = [fea3_input]
    # single level categorical features
    uid_input = Input((1,), name = 'input_uid')
    mid_input = Input((1,), name= 'input_mid')
    cat_sl_inputs = [uid_input, mid_input]

    # multi level categorical features (with 3 genres at most)
    genre_input = Input((3,), name = 'input_genre')
    cat_ml_inputs = [genre_input]

    inputs = num_inputs + cat_sl_inputs + cat_ml_inputs
    return inputs

inputs = define_input_layers()

1st order factorization machines

1st order will require features to map to a scalar. so for

  • numeric feature: a dense layer will convert tensor to shape (None,1)
  • categorical feature: a embedding layer will convert tensor to shape (None,1,1) and then reshape layer to reshape to (None,1)
def Tensor_Mean_Pooling(name = 'mean_pooling', keepdims = False):
    return Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(x, axis = 1, keepdims=keepdims), name = name)

def fm_1d(inputs, n_uid, n_mid, n_genre):
    fea3_input, uid_input, mid_input, genre_input = inputs
    # all tensors are reshape to (None, 1)
    num_dense_1d = [Dense(1, name = 'num_dense_1d_fea4')(fea3_input)]
    cat_sl_embed_1d = [Embedding(n_uid + 1, 1, name = 'cat_embed_1d_uid')(uid_input),
                        Embedding(n_mid + 1, 1, name = 'cat_embed_1d_mid')(mid_input)]
    cat_ml_embed_1d = [Embedding(n_genre + 1, 1, mask_zero=True, name = 'cat_embed_1d_genre')(genre_input)]

    cat_sl_embed_1d = [Reshape((1,))(i) for i in cat_sl_embed_1d]
    cat_ml_embed_1d = [Tensor_Mean_Pooling(name = 'embed_1d_mean')(i) for i in cat_ml_embed_1d]
    # add all tensors
    y_fm_1d = Add(name = 'fm_1d_output')(num_dense_1d + cat_sl_embed_1d + cat_ml_embed_1d)
    return y_fm_1d

y_1d = fm_1d(inputs, 10, 10, 10)

2nd order factorization machines

In 2nd order FM, each feature is map to shape (None, 1, k) and then stack to concat_embed_2d layer with shape (None, p, k).
k - matrix factorization latent dimension, p is feature dimension.

the calculation of interaction terms can be simplified, using
\begin{equation} \sum{x_ix_j} = \frac{1}{2} \left((\sum{x})^2 - \sum({x}^2)\right) \end{equation}

Hence, the sum of 2nd order interactions = square of sum of concat_embed_2d - sum of squared concat_embed_2d in p dimension, the resulting tensor will have a shape (None, k)

def fm_2d(inputs, n_uid, n_mid, n_genre, k):
    fea3_input, uid_input, mid_input, genre_input = inputs
    num_dense_2d = [Dense(k, name = 'num_dense_2d_fea3')(fea3_input)] # shape (None, k)
    num_dense_2d = [Reshape((1,k))(i) for i in num_dense_2d] # shape (None, 1, k)

    cat_sl_embed_2d = [Embedding(n_uid + 1, k, name = 'cat_embed_2d_uid')(uid_input), 
                       Embedding(n_mid + 1, k, name = 'cat_embed_2d_mid')(mid_input)] # shape (None, 1, k)
    cat_ml_embed_2d = [Embedding(n_genre + 1, k, name = 'cat_embed_2d_genre')(genre_input)] # shape (None, 3, k)
    cat_ml_embed_2d = [Tensor_Mean_Pooling(name = 'cat_embed_2d_genure_mean', keepdims=True)(i) for i in cat_ml_embed_2d] # shape (None, 1, k)

    # concatenate all 2d embed layers => (None, ?, k)
    embed_2d = Concatenate(axis=1, name = 'concat_embed_2d')(num_dense_2d + cat_sl_embed_2d + cat_ml_embed_2d)

    # calcuate the interactions by simplication
    # sum of (x1*x2) = sum of (0.5*[(xi)^2 - (xi^2)])
    tensor_sum = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(x, axis = 1), name = 'sum_of_tensors')
    tensor_square = Lambda(lambda x: K.square(x), name = 'square_of_tensors')

    sum_of_embed = tensor_sum(embed_2d)
    square_of_embed = tensor_square(embed_2d)

    square_of_sum = Multiply()([sum_of_embed, sum_of_embed])
    sum_of_square = tensor_sum(square_of_embed)

    sub = Subtract()([square_of_sum, sum_of_square])
    sub = Lambda(lambda x: x*0.5)(sub)
    y_fm_2d = Reshape((1,), name = 'fm_2d_output')(tensor_sum(sub))
    return y_fm_2d, embed_2d

y_fm2_d, embed_2d = fm_2d(inputs, 10, 10, 10, 5)

deep part

this part is simply a DNN framework with input as concat_embed_2d layer

def deep_part(embed_2d, dnn_dim, dnn_dr):
    # flat embed layers from 3D to 2D tensors
    y_dnn = Flatten(name = 'flat_embed_2d')(embed_2d)
    for h in dnn_dim:
        y_dnn = Dropout(dnn_dr)(y_dnn)
        y_dnn = Dense(h, activation='relu')(y_dnn)
    y_dnn = Dense(1, activation='relu', name = 'deep_output')(y_dnn)
    return y_dnn

y_dnn = deep_part(embed_2d, [16, 16], 0.5)

Put Together All Parts

def deep_fm_model(n_uid, n_mid, n_genre, k, dnn_dim, dnn_dr):
    inputs = define_input_layers()
    y_fm_1d = fm_1d(inputs, n_uid, n_mid, n_genre)
    y_fm_2d, embed_2d = fm_2d(inputs, n_uid, n_mid, n_genre, k)
    y_dnn = deep_part(embed_2d, dnn_dim, dnn_dr)
    # combinded deep and fm parts
    y = Concatenate()([y_fm_1d, y_fm_2d, y_dnn])
    y = Dense(1, name = 'deepfm_output')(y)
    fm_model_1d = Model(inputs, y_fm_1d)
    fm_model_2d = Model(inputs, y_fm_2d)
    deep_model = Model(inputs, y_dnn)
    deep_fm_model = Model(inputs, y)
    return fm_model_1d, fm_model_2d, deep_model, deep_fm_model

generate models with configuration

params = {
    'n_uid': ratings.uid.max(),
    'n_mid': ratings.mid.max(),
    'n_genre': 14,
    'dnn_dr': 0.5

fm_model_1d, fm_model_2d, deep_model, deep_fm_model = deep_fm_model(**params)

Split Training & Validation Data

def df2xy(ratings):
    x = [ratings.user_fea3.values, 
    y = ratings.rating.values
    return x,y

in_train_flag = np.random.random(len(ratings)) <= 0.9
train_data = ratings.loc[in_train_flag,]
valid_data = ratings.loc[~in_train_flag,]
train_x, train_y = df2xy(train_data)
valid_x, valid_y = df2xy(valid_data)

Train Model

from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import TensorBoard, EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
# train  model
deep_fm_model.compile(loss = 'MSE', optimizer='adam')
early_stop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=3)
model_ckp = ModelCheckpoint(filepath='./model/deepfm_weights.h5', 
callbacks = [model_ckp,early_stop]
train_history =, train_y, 
                                  epochs=30, batch_size=2048, 
                                  callbacks = callbacks)
Train on 810025 samples, validate on 90003 samples
Epoch 1/30
810025/810025 [==============================] - 8s 10us/step - loss: 2.3674 - val_loss: 3.6052
Epoch 2/30
810025/810025 [==============================] - 6s 8us/step - loss: 0.9796 - val_loss: 2.8897
Epoch 3/30
810025/810025 [==============================] - 6s 8us/step - loss: 0.9079 - val_loss: 2.4225
Epoch 4/30
810025/810025 [==============================] - 6s 8us/step - loss: 0.8677 - val_loss: 2.1066
Epoch 5/30
810025/810025 [==============================] - 6s 8us/step - loss: 0.8464 - val_loss: 1.8863
%matplotlib inline

weights = deep_fm_model.get_weights()
fm_1_weight, fm_2d_weigth, deep_weight = weights[-2]
contribution of different part of model
    weight of 1st order fm: %5.3f
    weight of 2nd order fm: %5.3f
    weight of dnn part: %5.3f
""" % (fm_1_weight, fm_2d_weigth, deep_weight))

contribution of different part of model
    weight of 1st order fm: -0.883
    weight of 2nd order fm: 1.518
    weight of dnn part: 0.469

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